The IC Essential Mix is a Electronic Dance radio show broadcast on KRUI Radio in Iowa City, Iowa, USA on Fridays, 5-7 PM CST on 89.7 FM and The show features host DJ Avant Garde, live and exclusive mixes of the very best dance music, and interviews with local artists, visiting performers, and some of the worlds biggest producers/djs/artists.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Post Show 9/22/07

Wow what an amazing show! We had a killer Countdown, followed by a live 1 hr throw down by Sharlo ft. Mel with some wicked scratching, then a live interview with a up and coming rapper out of C.R.- Young Ezzy. Sharlo and Mel brought it all for those of you who didn't hear it - I feel bad you missed it! Ezzy did some sick freestyling along with telling us his story and letting us know whats to come! It will be tough to live up to it for next week but as always we will try to top every week! ~ Cheers, Avant Garde

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