The IC Essential Mix is a Electronic Dance radio show broadcast on KRUI Radio in Iowa City, Iowa, USA on Fridays, 5-7 PM CST on 89.7 FM and The show features host DJ Avant Garde, live and exclusive mixes of the very best dance music, and interviews with local artists, visiting performers, and some of the worlds biggest producers/djs/artists.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama - 44th President of the US

While this pic above is a joke, it is no joke that last night was one of the most important moments in American politics and American history. I hope that readers around the world will join me to celebrate the tearing down of racial barriers last night. I am now more optimistic than ever that our generation can create a better America and world than our parents. I also feel that the rest of the world can once again look at the US as a beacon of Freedom and Hope. The United States is not an inclusive ideal and this is as much of a celebration for the world as it is for the USA. Congratulations Barack - you are a hero.

1 comment:

Soul of Sydney said...

hey mate nice post, do you mind if i use the image and credit your blog/pages for an part two of an obama tribute mix tape in doing..

mainly old funk and soul stuff that loosly fits into the theme of change, celebration, hope... etc..

it is part two of this mix so you get an idea:

peace from sydney australia