The IC Essential Mix is a Electronic Dance radio show broadcast on KRUI Radio in Iowa City, Iowa, USA on Fridays, 5-7 PM CST on 89.7 FM and The show features host DJ Avant Garde, live and exclusive mixes of the very best dance music, and interviews with local artists, visiting performers, and some of the worlds biggest producers/djs/artists.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Well readers, I am in the common situation of most college students right now in the process of moving to a new place across town to a new apartment.

Isn't it pretty?

Fortunately, I should be moved in by tomorrow and will have a more regular blog schedule!

BONUS MP3 - Classic B'More remix of Wale by Scottie B!

Wale - Elevators (Scottie B Remix) ~ From Discobelle

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